Fabulous pumpkin figures

The Chinese word for dragon is Lóng, or simply Lung. The typical dragon has the body of a snake, a lion‘s mane, antlers and four legs. Lóng are water creatures with rather inert powers. However, they can also be destructive if they are treated wrongly. The dragon, for example, symbolises the principle of Yang, while its counterpart, the Fenghuang, embodies the Yin. A kind of dragon was already used on the Babylonian Ishtar Gate from the 6th century BC, and the Greek Herodotus wrote a report of skeletons of winged snakes from Egypt in the 5th century
BC. The representations of the animals, which were called dragons, were anything but uniform. Nowadays, we think of a large, four-legged, fire-spitting scaly animal with a long neck, long tail and large wings.

This form developed from the image of a snake over the course of centuries. Originally, the Greek word Drakon was used to describe a snake with a frightening look. The wings were imputed to the snakes so that they would be suitable for use as draught animals in front of the carriage of the Greek goddess of fertility, Demeter. Demeter was responsible for the change of the seasons and therefore had to be everywhere at the same time: this speed could only be reached through flight.
Sources: www.de.drachen.wikia.com

Origin: When the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew in the 3rd century, the translators were faced with a problem, as there were reports of a strangeanimal called a „Re´em“. Ultimately, the 72 translators called it „Monokeros“, which means „unicorn“ in English. Today it is known that the „Re´em“ was nothing more than an aurochs, with two horns as is generally known. The reason for the error may have been a drawing of the „Re´em“ since drawings were made in profile at that time and thus only one of the two horns was on display. Eyewitnesses: The translation error established itself, and more and more people claimed to have seen a unicorn. Even Marco Polo gave a report of a „unicorn“, which was probably a simple rhino. Over the course o the Middle Ages, the concept of the unicorn changed into the sublime animal as we know it today, with a horse-like shape and magical powers – a symbol of nobility and goodness. Since the horn is said to have magical powers, people repeatedly exploited the cr dulity of customers and sold medicine made from the powdered horns of other animals as unicorn powder. The unicorn is still the symbol of many pharmacies today.

Sources: www.de.drachen.wikia.com

In the Nordic narrative tradition, trolls are depicted in the form of supernatural creatures. Appearances and traits can vary, but most creatures are dangerous and quite stupid.They live in places that are usually inaccessible
to humans, such as mountain caves, dense forests or oceans. Here are a few tips on how to protect yourself from trolls:

  • Be careful of religion; trolls can smell Christians. Back then, in the time of the Vikings, Christians were the enemy and that‘s how the trolls still think today. So, leave your crucifix at home.
  •  Since trolls turn to stone under the influence of light, they avoid it. So always carry a bright light with you. Norway has a kind of mountain known as a „Fjell“. The mountains are apparently made of minerals, but they ar
    actually trolls who did not manage to get back to their caves in time.
  • Though trolls are shy, never go looking for them because you will probably never return to tell the tale of your meeting.

Sources: de.lillehammer.com, www.unterwegens.de

Elves originate in Norse and Germanic mythology. Originally, they were young men and women of great beauty who lived in forests, caves or springs. They lived for a very long time, or were immortal. Elves have magical powers that they usually use to protect nature. They are easily recognizable thanks to their large eyes and pointed ears. Elves have superior human powers, combined wit intelligence and wisdom. In addition to this, elves are very friendly, responsible, loyal and honest.

On the other hand, elves think humans are an inferior race because of their lack of intelligence.  That‘s why elves are not usually hostile to humans, as they consider them to be „unimportant“. Elves live in communities and love to play, dance and sing.

Sources: www.perlistige.com

Medusa is one of the three daughters of the sea gods Keto and Phorcys. She is the only one of the three siblings who is mortal. Medusa was depicted as a breathtaking, beguiling beauty with whom even the sea god Poseidon fell in love. But when Athena saw one of the romantic encounters between Medusa and Poseidon, she became so angry that she cursed Medusa and transformed her into the monster we know today – with snakes on her head, dangerous fangs, scaly skin and glowing, sparkling eyes. No man was able to bear this sight and instantly froze to stone when struck by her gaze.  Akrisius received a prophesy that his grandson, Perseus, would be his downfall, so he demanded that Perseus bring him the head of Medusa. Akrisios hoped Perseus would fail. But when Athena got wind of this, she assisted Perseus and gave him a shiny shield with which he could sneak up on Medusa without being harmed, and he decapitated Medusa. When Medusa was cursed by Athena, she was impregnated by Poseidon in the guise of a horse. The moment Medusa‘s head detached from her torso, the winged horse Pegasus and the warlike giant Chrysaor emerged from her bleeding wounds.

Sources: www.fabelwesen.ne

Peter Pan is the main character in a few children‘s stories by James Matthew Barrie and is the only child in these stories who does not grow up. He lives on a fictional island called „Neverland“ and is the leader of the „lost boys“. Peter Pan‘s biggest opponent is the leader of the pirates, Captain Hook. Peter Pan is always the same age; 11 to 13 years old. Peter embodies the innocence and carefree nature of childhood, the desire for imaginary and often violent adventures without worry or an understanding of genuine dangers and real suffering. Towards the end of the novel, Peter only preserves his childlike qualities because he quickly forgets everything that changes, even if it was once very important to him. „Tinkerbell“ can be translated as tinkerer, tinker, bells or smart aleck. When Tinkerbell speaks, all people hear is the ringing of bells, except Peter Pan. He can understand Tinkerbell.

Sources: de.wikipedia.org, de.disney.wikia.com

The Phoenix is a sacred bird from the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. According to legend, the phoenix comes from the ancient Egyptian city of Heliopolis, where the firebird – referred to there as „Benu“ – was associated with the sun god Ra and represented the symbol of the rising sun. When it returned from excursions, it settled in the temple of the sun god, where it wove itself a nest. But at sunrise it burned in the fire of dawn before rising from the ashes and flying on again, rejuvenated. The ancient Greeks named the firebird after the ancient Phoenician seafaring people, who were also known as the „Red Seafarers.“ The Greeks changed the myth somewhat and said that the bird emerged from the ashes of Osiris. They assumed that the Phoenix would live to be 500 years old and build a nest towards the end of its life, which burned. Thereafter, a new phoenix soon hatched from the egg left in the ashes. Eventually the phoenix became a symbol of resurrection.

Sources: www.t-online.de


Pikachu is a Pokémon of the Electro type. Pikachu is a small, rather shy Pokémon. It resides in many regions,

but is rarely found. As habitats, it prefers dense forests or powe  stations. Pikachu stores electricity constantly,

but primarily when it sleeps. Pikachus live with other species and can even release their stored energy to others. When a Pikachu encounters something new, an electric shock often runs through it. For example, if a charred berry is discovered in the forest, it often indicates that Pikachu has misjudged its electricity. However, there are also some specimens that deliberately „grill“ hard berrie in order to eat them afterwards. Pikachu was designed by Atsuko Nishida, who is Japanese, and who was the first to determine the Electro type. Pikachu was originally

conceived as a squirrel. Like squirrels accumulating food in their cheek pockets, for example, Pikachu can store its electricity in its cheek pockets.

Sources: www.pokewiki.de

Pumuckl says of himself that he is a goblin of the Klabauter family or a descendant of the Klabauters – he is proud of this. According to popular belief, a goblin is a benevolent, sometimes playful or malicious, household spirit, which one must not offend. The generic term „goblin“ is used for different spirits in homes and outdoors. Goblins are usually small and rarely wear shoes. But only children can see goblins, and invalids sometimes see them on a full moon. All goblins wear a cap or a hat that makes them invisible. Anyone born on 22 February at midnight can also see the man from the Klabauter family. Pumuckl is bound to his master Eder. This is because according to the goblin laws, a goblin becomes visible when it sticks to something that belongs to a human being. Then he must be with this person forever and is only visible to them.

Sources: www.pumucklhomepage.de

Wizards are set apart by their special skills. They can communicate with the energies of the earth and call for lightning and thunder when needed. They always keep the secrets of magic to themselves. At one point in their lives, wizards decide whether to opt for black or white magic and by extension, whether they support „evil“ or „good“. The older a wizard is, the greater his knowledge, strength and magic powers. Gandalf the Grey (later Gandalf the White) is a main character in J.R.R. Tolkien‘s novels „The Lord of the Rings“ and „The Hobbit“. As Gandalf the Grey, he advises those who are on the side of good and thus fights evil. He is forbidden from openly revealing his powers or using his will to control others, which changes when he becomes Gandalf the White. However, it is only because necessity forces him to do so that he reveals his powers and takes a leading role in the resistance against evil.

Sources: www.house-of-fantasy.de